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Monday, 8 January 2018


A lot of students are preparing for the unexpected POST JAMB exam which was said to have been scrapped. The bitter truth is that not all the students will be admitted into the university or polytechnics.

But there are things you need to know that will give you more advantages over other competitors. Yeah, they are your competitors even your best friend is.

For instance, let me take a particular product as an example like indomie, you know that indomie also have competitors in which you know that Dangote is part of. But have you ever thought of how indomie has been on top despite the strong competition, it is simple, they do more of advertisement, promo and other thing to keep their product relevant. That is the advantage i am talking about. I am sorry i deviated a bit but i am sure that it really help you understand what i was saying.


1. Why students do not gain admission.
2. Why students gain admission.

Looking at the two outlines above, you will notice that they are opposite to each other. You need to know why people gain admission once and others have been trying for the past three years without gaining admission to any higher institutions. I think i am the right person to discus this topic to you because i have passed through this before, i mean i have been in a stage of not gaining admission and also in a stage of gaining admission. You see that i am the right person for this article/topic.


I saw a particular news about a student who got admitted into OAU (Obafemi Awolowo University). According to the news, this student have been applying for OAU for the past six consecutive years but all to no avail. This news broke out last year when he got admitted at last into OAU, which mean that he has been applying for OAU since 2010. Although I applaud him for his persistence but on the other hand, I saw that as a waste of time. If you don’t know what a whole six years can do, i will tell you now;

1. Within six years, you will study Pharmacy and complete your NYSC service (without strikes).
2. Within six years, you will complete your masters program and also complete your phD program.
3. Within six years, a baby would have started walking and speaking english fluently.
4. Within six year, a student will finish his Secondary School Education.

Let me stop there, i hope you now see my point. What i am trying to pass across to you is that, if you are trying a particular method and it is not working, please and please, you need to try something new.

Another reason is that student don’t get the right information that will aid their admisson success. What kind of information do you think i am talking about, i am talking information like this one you are reading and other post of this blog. So if you are reading this post, then definitely you really want to pass your exams and get admitted. As they say, information is power, also if you don’t get informed,you will be deformed.

Another possible reason is that students don’t get prepared for the required exams like JAMB and POST UME exam. This exams are what you need for any admission into Nigerian universities apart from other admission program like JUPEB, IJMB etc. You should take your preparation for this exams very serious by reading your books according to the syllabus provided by JAMB, answering past JAMB questions and also attending tutorials. I have posted how to pass both JAMB and POST JAMB on my blog, you can read them after reading this post/article.

Another possible reason is that students usually do mistakes when applying for the JAMB/POST UME. What do i mean by mistakes? Mistakes like spelling your name wrongly, giving the wrong data(s) about yourself etc. This mistakes have a way of affecting one’s admission.
Another possible reason is that most students are below the age requirement of the school. Most schools need students that are sixteen years old and above, though some schools still admit students below sixteen years old but to be on the safe side, it is better you are sixteen and above.


Yeah, this one is very important to discuss. Have you ever come to think of it that why did Mr A got admitted despite have average mark in JAMB/ POST UME. Please i don’t want you to think that connection is everything, No, students still gain admission without any connection.

Take notice of those students that got admitted despite having average mark in JAMB, you will notice that they applied for a lower course which have low competition in the particular university, that is why i will always advise any one that if you put in for medicine and surgery, and you didn’t get up to expectation, change your course to a lower one like biochemistry, microbiology etc. The truth is that you can cross from those course to medicine and surgery later in the future.

Take notice of those students that gain admission, you will notice that they started their preparation very early. Imagine someone preparing to write JAMB exam and he/she started reading a week before the exam, don’t let us decieve ourselves, such person won’t pass the exam. Preparing early is the key to pass JAMB. When i was planning to sit for JAMB exam,i started my preparation three months before the date of the exam. Now tell the reason why i won’t have gotten above 300 in JAMB.
Take notice on students that got admitted, you will notice that they made no error in their JAMB application and they meet up with the age requirement of the school.

I want to use this medium to advise all students seeking admission into the higher institution, if you see that JAMB is not going through, you can try another method like IJMB, JUPEB, Pre-degree, Diploma etc. Though they may be cost but it is better than wasting your time at home for more than four years.

And for those who are reading this article/post and you are yet preparing for JAMB exam, i will advise you not to see JAMB as a big thing, JAMB is simple but the fear people have for JAMB exam has been making them fail to get admitted into the university.

As for those students that say that it is only university they want to attend, despite been admitted by polytechnics, i will advise you not to reject polytechnic admission offer, you can be attending polytechnic and be preparing for the upcoming JAMB exam.


1. Pharmacy

2. Medicine and surgery

3. Dentistry and dental surgery

4. Business administration

5. Engineering

6. Economics

7. Law

8. ICT

9. Nursing

10. Medical laboratory science

Below are the courses that are lucrative in Nigeria;


Let us to be sincere, people who study this course has the advantage of making it big here in Nigeria. Pharmacy is all about the study of dr.ugs and how it works in the body. It is either you work as a community pharmacist (these are the pharmacist you see in your community and also take not that chemist and pharmacist are not the same) or you can work as an hospital pharmacist (these are pharmacist you see in the hospital) or you can work as an industrial pharmacist (these are the pharmacist that produce the dr.ug we use). If you want to make it real big in the line of pharmacy, i will advise you to go for industrial or community pharmacy because they have more advantage of making more money than the hospital pharmacy.


Even though the doctors are not paid as high as they want, they have more advantage of making more money in Nigeria. They can also decide to work overseas or they can decide to specialize in a particular field, thereby increasing their pay/salary. Some might even decide to become a lecturer. People who study these courses has a lot of chances of making it big financially as they don’t bother to seek for employment, most of them are employed immediately after school.


Dentistry and dental surgery is all about the study of the oral cavity. I know some people might disagree that dentistry does not worth being third on the list but the truth is that both doctors and dentists are paid on same salary scale (CONHESS). They also have the opportunity to specialise like the counterpart (doctors) in a particular field. They also have the opportunity to work in the oversea after they sit for licensing exam. In USA, dentists are the highest paid profession, they are more paid than doctors but here in Nigeria, they are paid same salary.


As the word implies, it is all about business and we all know that business is running the world. The richest black man in the world, Aliko Dangote is a businessman. People who study this course have the opportunity to stand alone (become an entrepreneur) and run their business venture. Most times, they tend to be successful in the business because they know more about business and how it works.


All forms of engineering is lucrative if they have the opportunity to work in a big engineering firm. All forms of engineering like petrochemical, mechanical, civil, electrical and so on. People who study these courses really make it big financially most especially those who study petrochemical engineering. These people are paid well in Nigeria. The disadvantage they have is that they can hardly stand alone at the early stage of their career.


One thing i like this course is that people who study it can work almost everywhere, i mean that you can find them in almost all sectors like the educational sector, business sector, banking sector and so on. Also they are paid well and they also have the opportunity to stand alone as an entrepreneur.

7. LAW

Though there are argument that law is no longer lucrative but it remain number 7 on the list. People who study law to become lawyer know how they make their money because they look comfortable. They also further to become barristers, SAN (Senior Advocate of Nigeria) and so on.

8. ICT

For those who don’t know the full meaning of ICT, it means Information and Communication Technology and when i say ICT, i mean people who study any course related to computer, website designing etc. I refer them to as computer gurus or tech gurus. We all know that it is technology making things happen in this world. These guys are really paid well and they can become a boss of their own (an entrepreneur).


I have reasons why nursing is the number 9 on my list. The reason is that they easily get job in the hospital due to the high need of nurses in the hospital. Also they can proceed to become “matron”. In a nut shell, they are well paid and they easily get job compared to other health related courses.


Nowadays, hospitals prefer to employ med lab scientists to biochemist or microbiologist, the reason is that med lab science has covered both microbiology and biochemistry. Therefore, they easily get employed and they are paid well.

Take note that this list is not official, everything up there is based on my opinion but if you feel the list is incomplete or wrong, you can let us know your opinion.

Thursday, 4 January 2018


Today topic me and you need to address is the cut off mark, since it is the trending thing in the educational news. According to JAMB news, cut off mark for all schools will be release on 21st August, 2017 but those that mean that if you pass above this JAMB cut off mark, you will be admitted, the answer to this question is what i want to address to Nigerian students participating in this year’s admission processes. This brings us to the topic of today: difference and similarities between JAMB and University cut off mark.

Yeah, both sounds familiar but they shouldn’t be taken for one another, JAMB cut off and University cut off marks are similar in some aspect and also different in some aspect as well. As a serious student, i don’t need to start telling you that cut off mark is the benchmark a student must attain before he or she is considered for admission.

Before I start to compare and contrast between the two, i will like to engage my readers to share what they understand by the word “cut off mark”. Use the comment box below to share your opinion.


1. Difference between JAMB cut-off mark and University cut-off mark.

2. Similarities between JAMB cut-off mark and University cut-off mark.


By the name, you should have known that the number one difference between the two is that JAMB cut off mark is set by JAMB body while University cut off mark is set by respective universities in Nigeria.
Another important thing for you to take note is that JAMB cut off mark does not guarantee your admission, your admission is guaranteed by the University cut off mark. What do I mean? You need illustration? Okay, let me illustrate my point;

Assuming Mr A got 210 in JAMB and 65% in screening, then JAMB cut off mark is set at 200 and University cut off mark is set at 70% which means that Mr A scaled through JAMB cut off mark but Mr A didn’t meet up with the University cut off mark, therefore Mr A is denied admission or sometimes might be given a lesser course to study.

From the illustration above, JAMB cut off mark only act as the gateway to qualify for the University screening or exam while University cut off mark act as the gateway to qualify for admission. You get my point? Yeah, let’s continue.

Also, JAMB cut off mark is specific on the University while the University cut off mark is specific on the courses which the school offer. I know you will be asking what do i mean, an illustration will be better to explain this better.

Let us use UNILAG as a case study, assuming JAMB set the cut off mark for UNILAG to be 200, it implies that all the student that choose UNILAG and score above 200 in JAMB are valid for the UNILAG screening. Also if UNILAG set the cut off mark for Law to be 70%, then all candidates that applied for law and scored above 70% will be valid for admission. For more understanding, see this;

JAMB cut off mark —>valid for university screening—>university cut off mark—>valid for admission.

The chain above have explained all i have been trying to explain.


There are no much similarities between both of them but the aim of both cut off marks is to select the best out of the candidates that applied for admission.

Don’t forget to do what i told you to do, I know you might have forgotten, but let me remind you, the task is told you to do is to give your own opinion on what you understand by “cut off mark”. Use the comment box to share your opinion and thoughts.

If you find this post helpful and useful, you can kindly do us a favour to share this post to your friends on social media by using the share icon below this post.


In my previous post, I explained factors that determines cut-off mark for schools and for course (JAMB and University cut off mark). I made mention that the main factor that determines cut-off mark is “statistics”,which means the number of applicants that choose a particular school or course. If you didn’t read it, you can read it here after reading this post.

In this post, i want to shed light on some admission terms which we all use on a daily basis.

As you all know, this blog is all about giving you the best admission tips for a successful admission process. You can check more posts on this blog for more admission tips you might need or you can contact me if you have any admission issues bothering you.


1. Cut-off mark.
2. Post ume/Screening.
3. One/Two sitting result.
4. Admission list.
5. Original JAMB result.
6. Jamb brochure.
7. JAMB syllabus.
8. JAMB past questions.
9. Change of course/ institution.
10. Direct entry.

Back to the main aim of this post, I am going to list and explain ten admission terms, also you can give us more by using the comment box below.


As a student, you should be familiar with this term and if you are not, i will explain it to you. Cut off mark is the benchmark or let me say boundary at which a student must reach before been offered admission into a university. Cut-off mark is in two sections; JAMB cut off mark and University cut off mark. In the University cut off mark, some states are usually favoured, that is what they call “catchment area”. I have already explain the difference between JAMB cut-off mark and University cut-off mark on this blog, you didn’t read it? Read it here.


After the scraping of POST UME exam, schools have now introduced another system of admission which they call SCREENING. Screening are in two forms; it can be in form of physical interview also it can be in form of grading of results (point system). On this blog, i have explained the questions asked during screening and how to answer them. Also, i have explained things you might need for upcoming screening.


This is common term in admission process. One/two sitting result simply refer to the number of results you are using for your admission application. For one sitting, it is either you use WAEC result,GCE result or NECO result, while for two sitting, it is either you use WAEC and GCE results, GCE and NECO results or WAEC and NECO results.


After all the admission processes, this is always the expectation of all aspirants. The admission list contain names of successful candidates that applied for admission. It is always released in batch, what i mean is that we have “First list” which is also called “Merit list”,”second list” and sometimes “third list”.


This is one thing every candidates that want to apply for admission must possess. This result is different from the ordinary JAMB result that you printed out when your JAMB result was released, the original JAMB result is used for admission processes. How do I get the original JAMB result? Simple, you will have to purchase a scratch card worth #2500 in order to print the original JAMB result.


This is a material that all “jambites (candidates preparing for JAMB exam)”. This material includes the name of courses to study in university and their requirements; requirements like the subject combination for your course and universities that offer those courses.


This is also a material that all “Jambites (candidates preparing for JAMB exam) ” in order to pass the exam easily. This material includes the subjects to do in JAMB exam and the area of concentration for the student to read.


I expect all candidates preparing for JAMB exam to be familiar with JAMB past question. JAMB past question includes all the previous years questions of JAMB exam, this past question helps the candidates to know the way JAMB set their questions.


This is done after the JAMB exam. It is all about changing your course of study or your university for certain reasons like not scoring up to expectation for the course and so on. How do I change my course/institution? Simple, you will have to buy a scratch card which is #2500, after that, you will login to JAMB portal and follow the due process. To make things easier, go to the cybercafe, they will help you change the course/institution.


This is another way to gain admission into the university. This method of admission into the university is only valid for polytechnics student that have finish his/her ND level. If admitted by the University, they enter 200 level immediately without passing through 100 level.


In my previous post, i explained the difference between JAMB cut off mark and University cut off mark. I made mention that JAMB cut off mark does not guarantee your admission, your admission is guaranteed by the University cut off mark, if you didn’t read it, you can read it here.

Both JAMB cut off mark and University cut off mark are determined based on the same factor which is “statistic”. What do I mean by statistic?

Statistics means the number of applicants for the school, number of applicants for the course, number of pass rate in JAMB or POST UME, and number of fail rate in JAMB and POST UME. I will explain them for you, so read attentively.


1. Number of applicants for the school.

2. Number of applicants for the course.

3. Number of pass rate.

4. Number of fail rate.


This matters alot when determining the JAMB cut off mark of the school. Also, you should know that it is JAMB that determines the cut off mark for a school ( i am referring to the JAMB cut off mark), which means the school can go above the cut off mark to admit students but they should not go below the cut off mark.

Remember cut off mark is a benchmark, in other words,it is a boundary the University should not pass. For example, you can’t expect cut off mark for EKSU to be higher than the cut off mark for OAU simply because the number of applicants that opt in for OAU is always higher than the number of applicants that opt in for EKSU every year. Most times, the highest cut off mark JAMB can set for a school is 220 based on previous years cut off mark.


In this case, JAMB does not have a say in setting the cut off mark, it is actually the school that set the cut off marks for each courses. You scoring high mark in school POST UME ot SCREENINIG does not guarantee your admission, your admission is guaranteed by you surpassing the cut off mark for your course.

A student that choose medicine and surgery and got 75% in POST UME or screening can not be compared to a student that choose microbiology and got the same 75%,why? The student that choose microbiology might eventually get admitted since the number of applicants for the course is less but the student that choose medicine and surgery might find it hard to gain admission simply because the number of applicants are too much thereby giving the student a slim chance to surpass the cut off mark.

All i am trying to say is that the cut off mark for courses are determined by the number of respective applicants that applied for the courses.


This factor also play an important role in determining the cut off mark for a course or JAMB cut off mark. Due to this reason, the higher the pass rate the higher the cut off mark for a course.

Assuming a course like medicine and surgery has 100 admission slot, out of the multitude that opt in for medicine and surgery, let us say 180 students got above 75% in the school screening, definitely the cut off mark for medicine and surgery will increase.

Remember that the pass rate is directly proportional to the cut off mark for the course.


This also has effect on the cut off mark of courses. If the number that failed is many then the cut off mark will be low.

Assuming 200 students applied for botany, then out of the 200 students, the highest among them got 56%,this means that the cut off mark will be low.

Remember that the higher the fail rate the lower the cut off marks.

Wednesday, 3 January 2018







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Tuesday, 2 January 2018


In a twinkle of an eye or let me say within a short time, JAMB will start selling their form again, and you know what? Million of candidates are going to purchase the form together with you.

To keep it short, i will say you are competing with over one million candidates. You might be thinking how it is over one million candidates, let me break or dismantle it down to your level.

Last year, it was reported by JAMB that over 1.7million candidates applied for UTME, out of this multitude, universities in Nigeria will accept maximum of 600,000 candidates altogether. Do the math yourself then you see the candidates that will be left without admission. Now let us say half of those candidates that were denied admission,will partake in the upcoming UTME together with the new set of candidates. I will leave you to do the math all by yourself. Looking at the number of candidates that will partake in the upcoming UTME, there are chances that you might be admitted and there are also chances that you might be denied admission.

This is left to you, but u want to be of help, i mean i want to assist you. What type of assistance are you thinking about? No no, not that kind of assistance, so far you can read English Language then you should know that i specialize in assisting candidates by giving out helpful and useful tips. I hope you find it helpful and useful as I do.

You all know the frustration of writing JAMB again and again, well if you don’t, i do. I wrote JAMB twice before gaining admission into the university. The earlier you realize how frustrating it is, the better. I have not started my assistance which I’d promised, all what you have been reading is just the intro of this ebook.I hope you don’t mind the way i write, i just want this E-book as engaging as possible. I hope you are ready to read what i have for you, don’t be surprised or should i say don’t be disappointed if what you see are things you already know but for those who don’t know this things, you will be glad you read all this.

Now, the time has come to start telling you things you need to know. You are ready? If yes, let’s ride on. If no, then i don’t know what to say.


1. Read your book.
2. Know that JAMB is once in a year.
3. Attend tutorials.
4. Find the right method of reading.
5. Minimize and utilize time spent on social media.
6. Practice makes perfect.
7. Create a time-table.
8. Go extra miles.
9. Put aside that JAMB stigma.


You want to pass an exam, do you think that it will be possible without reading the required books, when i say the required books i refer to JAMB recommended textbooks for each subjects.

Tell me, what were you expecting me to say,you think i will say kneel down and let me pray to your God? Even God said He will help those that help themselves, my question for you is that, in what way have you have yourself? If you are a new comer to UTME, you might not understand what i am saying, go and ask those who have been writing UTME for more than two times now.

They will tell you the regret they have which is refusal to read their books. You can’t expect to reap where you have not sown, you can’t vomit what you have to taken into your body, the same also applies to reading, you can’t know what you have not read or seen. It is just like being asked to define E.M.F (i know this will be strange to the art and commercial students, even some science students) ,you can’t expect art and commercial students to define it simply because they are not familiar to the word which is in physics.

If you get my point, then kudos to you, but if you don’t, read this post again,i will be waiting for you. Once again, i repeat read your books, the little you read might be what you will see during your UTME CBT exam.


You might thinking if i am ins*ne when writing this sub topic, but i want you to look beyond the sub topic and you will know what i am really trying to pass across to you.

Have it in mind that if you fail this upcoming UTME exam, then you will have to wait for one year before you experience another one, then you will know i meant by frustration. When i say frustration, i mean the harsh words you will receive from your parents everyday, the kind of envy you will have upon your friends who are already in school and lastly which is common, your friends has gotten new friends of the same level, you would be left aside until you meet up with that level.

You should make this your motivation, the truth is that there is always one person that will determine if you fail or pass and that person is YOU of course. Yes you.

Your preparation determines your JAMB success. I repeat once again, endeavour to pass JAMB once and for all.


Look here, you need to get things right, there is a huge difference between reading your book and attending tutorials. Although the two contributes to your JAMB success but they play different roles.

I know the question you have in mind is how are they different?, although you go to tutorials to receive lectures which is the same thing as reading. But i will tell you that you can’t be an island of knowledge as they say. There are some topics that you will find boring or cumbersome for reading but going to the tutorial and your tutor to explain it for you, if the tutor is an experienced one, then you have no problem but if it is otherwise then i remain mute.
Attend tutorials for the right reason not for the wrong reason which you know what i am talking about. Some research concludes that we tend to know more when we explain to other person, so always be ready to explain a particular topic to your fellow mates.


We, as human being have different methods of doing things. Reading is one of them. Different candidates with different method of reading.

Some candidate might decide to read in the midnight while some might decide to read in the day time,some might decide to read in quiet environment while some might decide to wear earpiece while reading, whatever way you read, the main thing is that you choose the one that suit you. If a particular method is not working for you, then try another method.

As for me, i will recommend the method of reading in the night, why? The night is so silent and nobody will disturb you. In case you have not been following, i repeat, find the method of reading that is suitable for you.


This is a million dollar truth. Social media have done more damage than good to our educational system and to the student themself. Students no longer find time to read again, all they do is to chat on facebook, twitter and so on.

Don’t get me wrong, i didn’t say you should not chat or tweet but minimize the time you spend on them and utilize them for reading. The truth is that you choose either social media that might damage you or reading of your books that might bring success. Choose one.


I don’t need to tell you this or convince you about this, you should have heard “practice makes perfect” before now. The same thing applies to preparation foe any kind of exam including UTME.

Do you know why you know how to walk? When you were little, you might have fallen many times you tried to walk but due to persistence and practice, here you are now, walking up and down. The same thing applies to reading, you cannot just read a textbook once and expect to know everything you read once.

Even the so-called genius read more than once to he able to know what they know. I laugh at those students that will start reading a week before the exam. The week before your exam is meant for you to revise all what you have read.


This is very important and relevant if you want to have a success in the upcoming UTME exam. You should understand that this time-table os important.

For the fact that nobody will scold or beat you if you go against the time-table doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be sincere with it. Don’t play with your success or let me use the word meddle. Follow the time-table diligently and you will be surprise with the way things will work out for you.

I repeat, don’t deceive yourself, be sincere with yourself.


When i say you should go extra miles, what i really mean is that you should go beyond reading. You can do this by making research about a particular subject or topic online by Google search.

You can also go extra mile by answering some possible questions under a particular topic. This reminds me of UTME past questions, endeavour to answer all the questions from each year. You never can say, you might be answering your upcoming UTME questions.


Yeah, students has also placed stigma on JAMB. The stigma is that JAMB is synonymous to failure. The moment you put the stigma aside and prepare tirelessly for UTME, then you are walking toward your success.

Let me tell you something in contrary to what you believe, it doesn’t take a genius ti pass UTME, even brilliant ones fail if the refuse to prepare. Just be ready to follow all what i have told you.


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I have been receiving a lot of messages from students that “is two sitting advisable? “. But before i answer that question, i will like to tell you the disadvantages of using two sitting result. If you are reading this, then i believe you know what two sitting result means but for more clarification let me explain it.


Simple!!! As the name implies, it is the combination of two results like combining WAEC and NECO result, WAEC and GCE or GCE and NECO. Either of the three examples are two sitting results. Now the question is ” why do students use two sitting result? “.

Students use two sitting results for one reason which is because of they actually failed a particular core subject in the WAEC exam, so they sit for another exam in order to pass the subject they failed. Let me use illustration to make my point;

Assuming Mr A sat for WAEC examination and he passed all his subjects but failed mathematics (you know that mathematics is a compulsory subject). So Mr A sat for GCE examination in order to pass mathematics, GCE result was released and Mr A passed mathematics but failed English Language, then the only possible solution is that Mr A should combine his result in order to apply for admission to the university.

The results he combined is called “Two sitting results “. I hope you now understand what two sitting results means. Good!!!
But that is not where i am heading to, the main focus of the post is to tell you the possible disadvantages of using two sitting results. I will explain as i list them;


1. Unable to apply for competitive courses.

2. It limit your option.

3. Some courses or institutions don’t accept it.

4. Why did i post this?


This is one of the disadvantages of two sitting result as you can not apply for competitive courses. Imagine five hundred candidates applying for a course like banking and finance, out of that five hundred candidates, half of them will be using one sitting result which is a criteria that can disqualify candidates using two sitting.


This is very true because candidates using two sitting result can’t just choose any course or any university. This makes the candidate who have been dreaming of courses like medicine and surgery go for lower courses that accept two sitting result.


Do you know that some courses or universities don’t accept two sitting result? Yeah, there is, courses under college of medicine in UNILAG don’t accept two sitting results and it is the same for all federal universities. This leaves you no option than to go for lower courses or institutions.


Don’t get me wrong here, i am not discouraging candidates with two sitting results but i am only trying to enlighten you on the possible disadvantages of using two sitting results.

So if you are reading this and you are about to write your WAEC or NECO or GCE examination, i will advise you to endeavour to pass all your subjects and use one sitting result for your admission processes. The disadvantages of two sitting results far outweighs the disadvantages of one sitting result.

I hope this post was helpful and useful to you. If you find this post helpful and useful, you can kindly do me a favour by sharing this post to your friends on social media by using the share icon below this post.


Being offered admission into a university is the prayer of every Nigerian students. This is because the number of students far outweighs the number of universities we have in Nigeria. Universities are not even helping the matter at all because most of them admit students based on “long-leg” which i know you understand what i mean.
This post is focusing on reasons you might not be offered admission by the school you choose. This reasons are based on my research, so i hope you trust them.


1. Unable to meet cut-off mark for your course.

2. Wrong subject combination in JAMB exam.

3. Age requirement.

4. Failed a core subject in WAEC/NECO/GCE exam.

5. Using two sitting results.

6. Why did i post this?


This is the most common reason why most of the students are being rejected yearly. For the new-bie, let me explain what i mean by cut-off mark.
Cut-off mark is the bench mark or let me say boundary at which you as a student must reach before been offered admission into a certain university.

There are factors that determines cut-off mark and example of those are; the number of candidates that choose the course, the high or low pass rate of JAMB/screening examination and so on. Cut-off marks are prone to increase or decrease by those factor i gave. I will explain more on the factors i gave and how cut-off mark is being derived my next post.


This is one avoidable mistake students commit every year. I will always advise a student to make some little research about the course they want to apply for in JAMB exam, and one of those research is finding out about the subject combination for the course. You can simply do this by checking the brochure provided by JAMB. It won’t cost you anything to do this little research because it is capable of destroying your admission this year. Take note!!!!


Though some students below the age requirement of a particular school devise ways to get admitted but i won’t advise any student to take the risk of passing JAMB exam and being denied admission simply because of your age (you know how painful it can be). Most schools requires the student to be 16 years old on or before October 1st. I have seen a student that was denied admission because of he was below the age requirement despite meeting other requirements that would have qualified him for the admission slot. So i will advise any student that he or she should make sure that he/she will be 16 years old on or before October 1st.


I find it hard to believe that some students apply for admission despite failing a core subject in WAEC/NECO/GCE exam. Maybe they want to try their luck but to be sincere with you, no university will offer such student an admission slot except the student uses “long-leg” which i know you understand what i am saying.


This is also a criteria that cab disqualify a student during admission process. A lot of candidates you are competing with, uses one sitting result and you know the federal universities favour one sitting result more. Why? The answer is simple; simply because they believe candidates with one sitting result are more educationally sound. You got my point? Yeah!!! I will explain more on the disadvantages of using two sitting result in my next post.


The main reason i posted this is to make students aware of possible reasons that may lead to them being denied admission. So i will advise students to make sure they work on my point listed above and get ready to be admitted.

I hope this post was helpful and useful to you. If you find it helpful and useful, you can kindly do me a favour by sharing this post to your friends on social media by using the share icon below this post.


Admission screening date is fast approaching and students seems to be ready for it. But there are mistake you should avoid during this admission screening. This mistakes can cost you your admission if care is not taken and you know what that means, staying at home for a year to resit for JAMB exam can be frustrating.

Admission screening is in two forms, the physical screening and the point system screening through the use of computer. Let me shed more light on the two forms of screening;

Physical screening involves the student going to the school for interview. During this interview, they check your results (WAEC and JAMB result)and some other certificates like WAEC certificate, birth certificate and so on.

They will also ask you some sensitive questions just to test your intelligence. You can see some of the questions here.

Point system screening involves the use of point to grade the candidate WAEC and JAMB results. This screening does not require your presence in the school because all you have to do, be it submitting your certificates and results will be done through the computer. You can even do it yourself if you have the necessary equipments like computer, scanner, printer etc.


1. Wrong spelling of your name.

2. Inconsistent age in your document.

3. Indecent dressing.

Now lets go to the main topic, mistakes you should avoid during admission screening. Take your time to read carefully.

Wrong spelling of your name

Most students usually ignore this thinking that it is a minor issue that can be resolved. But i tell that it is not a minor issue that can be resolved easily, i have seen alot of candidates that fell victim to this. Some schools might want to ignore this but you should make sure your names are well spelt.

If you are already a victim of this then the only solution i can recommend to you is that you should either go to JAMB office or the Admission office of the school to make corrections.

Inconsistent age in your document

There are cases where a student will fill in age 17 in his WAEC while they fill in for age 16 in his JAMB form. I don’t know the reason for this. But if you think you are smart enough to fake your age so as to gain admission ,the school has a way of finding out, remember that we are in a computer world, so things like that won’t be a problem to the school.

This happened in UNILORIN, when the school found out about fake ages and results, the students were expelled from the school. I know you know the shame in faining admission to a school and get expelled.

If you are already a victim of this, then you will have to go to JAMB office to make some corrections before the screening commence.

Indecent dressing

They usually say that people will address you the way you dress. You can identify a doctor by his white lab coat and stethoscope around his neck, you can identify a lawyer by his gown, you can also identify a thug by his indecent dressing. No school want to admit a thug because they believe that thugs will only promote cultism in the school.

Try to impress the interviewer with your decent dressing. This can also given an edge over other students.
Note: This is for candidates preparing for physical screening.

If you find this post helpful, you can do me a favour by sharing this post to your friends on facebook and twitter by using the “share” link below.

Remember to drop a comment if you find this post helpful and useful.

Thursday, 28 December 2017


Indigenous oil firm, Belema Oil in partnership with a nongovernmental organization, Elizabeth Foundation and the National Youth Council of Nigeria (NYCN), has awarded scholarship to no fewer than eight orphans in Rivers State.

The three groups also feted the less privileged in Port Harcourt, the Rivers State capital, as part of activities to mark the 2017 yuletide celebration

Speaking during the event, director of the Elizabeth Foundation, Dr. Elizabeth Jackrich said they chose to give out to the less privileged because of their belief that a lot of them cannot cope with the current hard times.

Jackrich said, “Duo times are hard and their are those who can’t afford anything to show them love. It gives me jot to celebrate with those who don’t have any thing to or reason to celebrate that some one Care’s for them.

“Those of you who are suppose to be in school but do the finance couldn’t should forward their details to me and the schools of their choice up to secondary school.”

Speaking at this event also, Chairman of NYCN in the state, Sukubo Sara-Igbe Sukubo, urged multinational companies operating in the state to emulate Belema Oil.

Sukubo said, “We are here to celebrate an achiever, a you are motivator, who have done well in the are of youth employment and empowerment. We urge multinational and other investors to borrow a live from Belema and help develop Rivers State.”


This is to inform interested candidates and the general public that the closing date of registration for the WASSCE for Private Candidates, 2018-First Series has been extended to Friday, January 12, 2018 by 12noon.


Wednesday, 27 December 2017


The attention of all first year students of Ebonyi State University (EBSU) is hereby drawn to this SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT on steps leading to certificate verification and registration of courses:

Step 1:          Pay 300. 00 only (service charge) for each O’Level Certificate you are presenting for your

admission through EBSU Microfinance Bank in CAS Campus.

 Generate O’Level verification invoice according to the below process:

Visit the school portal (portal.ebsu-edu.net)

Click on the link “O’Level Certificate Verification”

Type in your Jamb registration number

Click on Submit

Proceed to EBSU Microfinance Bank with the invoice generated

Make payment at the EBSU Microfinance bank and obtain Tpay Pin from the bank

Step 2:          Present the following items to your Faculty Officer who would forward them to EBSU ICT

Verification of your O’Level Certificate(s)

A photocopy or photocopies of your O’Level certificate(s) to be verified

Unscratched/Undisclosed Scratch Card(s) for each Certificate to be verified. If you are presenting WAEC and NECO etc, please buy and present relevant scratch card(s)

Photocopies of your JAMB and Post UTME/PD results (as applicable)

A photocopy of your admission letter.

Step 3:       The Faculty Officer (FO) would display verified results on the Notice Board, for candidates’


Step 4:        When you are cleard and you have paid your school fees, please proceed, with evidence of

fees payment to obtain your Matriculation (student) Number from your Faculty Officer and

register your courses. 


Please, note that no candidate is allowed to do certificate verification outside the EBSU ICT.

AG. Registrar



Some schools are just so good when it come to strikes. It is either the government that causes it or the students had to protest or riot over some issues. These Universities cannot do without going on strike in a session. The schools are listed below;

LAUTECH: Ladoke Akintola University of Technology is owned by two states, osun and oyo state. This school is always known for their incessant strikes. Currently they are on strike which has lasted over seven months. I know you will be surprised but it is the truth. Strike is due to lack of fund from the two states government.

KOGI STATE UNIVERSITY: This University is located at Anyigba in Kogi state. I don’t really know much about this school but I do know that they do go on strike.

OAU: Obafemi Awolowo University is one of the best Universities in Nigeria but it is also known for incessant strikes. Due to this, some funny dudes translated OAU as “Oba Adaniduro University” which means the king of strikes. Funny? Yeah, really funny.

IMSU: Imo State University located at Imo state. They are fond of going on strike. Their last strike was caused by the government when there was a 30% cut in the lecturer salary.

UNILAG: University of Lagos is located in Lagos State known for its beautiful environment and also known for suspending or rusticating students which usually cause riot by the students leading to strike.

You can add your opinion if you feel that the list is not complete or it is been partial. Use the comment box below. Your opinion is welcome.